
Shito-Ryu International Karate Do Kai often receives inquiries regarding membership to our organization.

The easiest way to join Shito-Ryu is to visit one of our branch dojo and apply to become a student. You will begin as a white belt student under the guidance of a shihan or sensei.

If you are an instructor with a dojo and you wish to affiliate with our organization, please take note of the following:

  1. Shito-Ryu International Karate Do Kai is a traditional karate organization, not a 'sport karate' organization. The late founder, Kenwa Mabuni, and the late Soke, Kenzo Mabuni, were never affiliated with any sport karate organization.

  2. If there is already a Shito-Ryu International Karate Do Kai branch in your country, you must apply for affiliation through them. To check if there is already an established branch in your country, click here.
    If there is no affiliated branch in your country, then you must be prepared to visit Japan (at your expense) to meet with Tsukasa Mabuni Soke and the Shihan-kai, OR invite (at your expense) a shihan (appointed by Tsukasa Mabuni Soke) to your dojo.

  3. You must be willing to forfeit your current grade and accept a new grade (possibly a lower grade) after an assessment by Soke and/or the Shihan-kai.

  4. AFTER you have travelled to Japan (or AFTER a shihan has visited your dojo) the Shihan-Kai will decide whether or not to provide you with PROVISIONAL MEMBERSHIP. Provisional Membership has limitations and has a duration of two years. After two years of Provisional Membership the Japanese Shihan-Kai will decide whether or not to grant full membership.

Should you wish to apply, initial contact should be by letter -- applications by email will not be accepted. Please include a recent photograph of yourself, information about your karate background (please attach certified copies of all dan certificates) and send to:

Kazuo Sakai Shihan
International Director
Shito-Ryu International Karate Do Kai

1-9-2 Koyo Dai
Japan 648-0099

2003 - 2025 ~ Shito-Ryu International Karate Do Kai ~ All Rights Reserved.